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We invite you to carefully read these General Conditions of Sale before any purchase operation and, once the purchase procedure provided for by the Site has been completed, to print them and keep a copy or save in an electronic copy.

Supplier identification

The tangible assets covered by these general conditions are produced and offered for sale by Magriffe srl, based in Milan Via Manzoni, 42 - 20121 Milan, VAT number 10432010154. The expression "Supplier" means the person as identified above, or the person who sells the goods through the website

Identification of the Purchaser

The term "Buyer" means the natural person who makes the purchase, referred to in this contract, for purposes not related to any commercial or professional activity carried out.

In consideration of its commercial policy, the Supplier reserves the right not to process orders from subjects other than the Buyer or in any case to orders that do not comply with its commercial policy.

Identification of Goods and Products

The material goods offered on the website are produced and sold directly by the Supplier.

The products are illustrated, with specific and detailed indications of their characteristics, through product sheets and photographic material.

Definition of "online sales contract"

By online sales contract we mean the sales contract relating to the goods produced and sold by the Supplier, stipulated between them and the Buyer in the context of a remote sales system through telematic tools, organized by the Supplier. With this contract, the Supplier sells and the Purchaser remotely purchases, via telematic tools, the tangible movable goods presented and offered for sale on the website . The contract between the Supplier and the Purchaser is concluded exclusively through the Internet in remote electronic mode, by accessing the Purchaser at the web address , where, following the procedures indicated therein, the Purchaser formalizes the purchase of goods in compliance with the following regulations for the protection of electronic commerce:

- "Consumer Code": Legislative Decree 206/2005 (and related amendments)
- "Ecommerce Decree": Legislative Decree 70/2003
- "Privacy Policy": Legislative Decree 196/2003

The purchase contract is concluded following the timely completion of the registration form by the Buyer - with the provision of consent to the processing of personal data, according to the Privacy Policy of the website, by accepting the "Terms and conditions of sale ”- and the sending of the purchase form filled in by the system after the insertion of the selected products in the electronic cart. Before the final sending of the order, the Buyer will be invited to check the contents of the cart, with a summary of the same in which the details of the orderer and the order, the price of the selected goods, the shipping costs and any additional accessory charges, payment methods and terms, the address where the goods will be delivered, delivery times and terms for exercising the right of withdrawal.

When the Supplier receives the order from the Purchaser, he sends a confirmation e-mail or displays a web page confirming and summarizing the order itself, in which the recalled data are also reported in the previous point.

Methods of payment and refund

Payment by the Buyer can only be made by means of one of the methods indicated in the purchase procedure by the Supplier.

Any refund to the Buyer will be credited using the same payment method chosen by the same at the time of placing the order. The Supplier, in the event of exercising the right of withdrawal, will then refund the purchase price immediately after receiving the return of the sold goods and verifying the state of the same. The shipping costs incurred for the return of the goods remain the responsibility of the Buyer.

All communications relating to payments are made using third-party encryption systems to protect the transactions carried out (eg PayPal payment system).

Delivery times and methods

The Supplier will deliver the selected and ordered products, according to the methods chosen by the Buyer or indicated on the website at the time of the offer of the goods, as confirmed in the order confirmation e-mail.

Shipping times may vary from the day following the order to a maximum of 30 (thirty) days from the confirmation of the same, as required by current legislation. In the event that the Supplier is unable, for whatever reason, to ship within this period, it will promptly notify the Buyer by e-mail sent to the address provided by the latter during the purchase procedure.

At the time of delivery, the Buyer is required to verify that the packaging is intact and not altered even in the closing tapes if present.

In the event that the delivered goods show any damage presumably caused by transport, the Purchaser may refuse the delivery and immediately notify the Supplier, who will make the necessary complaints to the shipper, arranging for a new shipment once the return has been received. disputed goods. In the event that the customer still decides to accept the goods in delivery, despite the packaging being seriously damaged and / or tampered with, in order to safeguard his rights he must challenge the courier for the unsuitability of the package, affixing the writing "RESERVE OF INSPECTION OF GOODS DUE TO… ”(indicating the reason for the reservation in question) on the delivery document, of which he must keep a copy.


All product sales prices are indicated at the web address , are expressed in euros and constitute an offer to the public pursuant to art. 1336 cc

The sales prices referred to in the previous point are inclusive of VAT and any other tax. Shipping costs and any additional charges, if any, although not included in the purchase price, are indicated and calculated in the purchase procedure before placing the order by the Buyer and contained in the summary web page of the order, as well as in the summary e-mail sent following the conclusion of the purchase procedure.

The prices indicated for each of the goods offered to the public are valid until the date indicated in the catalog. Any promotional offers are specifically indicated and marked on the site with the words "promotional offer", "product in promotion" or by equivalent names.

Prices may be modified by the Supplier without prior notice.

Product availability

The Supplier ensures through the electronic system used, the processing and fulfillment of orders without delay. For this purpose, it indicates in real time, in its electronic catalog, the number of products available and those not available, as well as the shipping times.

Should an order exceed the available quantity, the Supplier, by e-mail, will inform the Buyer if the good is no longer bookable or what are the waiting times to obtain the chosen good, asking if it intends to confirm the order. or less.

The Supplier's computer system will confirm the successful registration of the order as soon as possible by sending the Buyer a summary e-mail.

Limitation of Liability

The Supplier assumes no responsibility for disservices attributable to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances.

The Supplier cannot be held liable to the Purchaser, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence, for disservices or malfunctions connected to the use of the Internet outside of its own control or that of its sub-suppliers.

Furthermore, the Supplier will not be liable for damages, losses and costs incurred by the Purchaser as a result of the non-execution of the contract for reasons not attributable to him.

The Supplier assumes no responsibility for any fraudulent or illegal use that may be made, by third parties, of credit cards, checks and other means of payment, for the payment of the products purchased, if it proves that it has adopted all the possible precautions based on the best science and experience of the moment and based on the ordinary diligence required.

Obligations of the Supplier for defective products, proof of damage and compensable damages

The Supplier cannot be held responsible for the consequences deriving from a defective product if the defect is due to the conformity of the product to an imperative legal rule or to a binding provision, or if the state of scientific and technical knowledge, at the time in which the manufacturer has put the product into circulation, it still did not allow to consider the product as defective.

No compensation will be due if the injured party was aware of the product defect and the resulting danger and nevertheless voluntarily exposed himself to it. Likewise, defects deriving from bad and / or incorrect use of the purchased goods, from external causes (eg bumps, falls, etc.), from carelessness and improper use, are not attributable to the Supplier's responsibility.

In any case, the injured party must prove the defect, the damage, and the causal connection between defect and damage.

Guarantees and methods of assistance

The Supplier is liable for any lack of conformity that occurs within the term of 2 (two) years from the delivery of the goods.

The Purchaser loses all rights if he does not report the lack of conformity to the Supplier within 2 (two) months from the date on which the defect was discovered.

In any case, unless proven otherwise, it is assumed that the lack of conformity that occurs within 6 months of delivery of the goods already existed on that date, unless this hypothesis is incompatible with the nature of the goods or with the nature of the defect of compliance.

In the event of a lack of conformity, the Purchaser may request, alternatively and without charge, under the conditions indicated below, the repair or replacement of the purchased good, a reduction in the purchase price or the termination of this contract, unless the request is not objectively impossible to satisfy or is excessively burdensome for the Supplier. Products that show clear signs of tampering or failures caused by their improper use or by external agents not attributable to defects and / or manufacturing defects are not covered by the warranty.

The request must be received in writing, by registered letter with return receipt, to the Supplier, who will indicate his willingness to proceed with it - or the reasons that prevent him from doing so - within 7 (seven) working days of receipt. In the same communication, where the Supplier has accepted the Buyer's request, he must indicate the methods of shipment or return of the goods as well as the deadline for the return or replacement of the defective goods.

Obligations of the Buyer

It is strictly forbidden for the Purchaser to enter false and / or fictional data in the registration procedure necessary to activate the process for the execution of this contract and further communications.

The Buyer relieves the Supplier from any liability deriving from the issue of incorrect tax documents due to errors in the data provided, as the Buyer himself is solely responsible for the correct insertion.

By registering, the Buyer authorizes to communicate non-sensitive personal data (residence, telephone number) to the postal service or the trusted courier used for the delivery of the purchased goods in order to allow the procedures necessary for their delivery .

The Buyer undertakes to pay the price of the purchased goods within the times and methods indicated in the contract.

The Buyer undertakes, once the online purchase procedure has been completed, to print and keep this contract received by e-mail attached to the purchase order confirmation.

The information contained in this contract has, moreover, already been viewed and accepted by the Buyer - who acknowledges it - before confirming the purchase, through electronic procedures.

Right of withdrawal

In any case, the Purchaser has the right to withdraw from the stipulated contract, without paying any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the purchased good.

In the event that the Purchaser decides to exercise the right of withdrawal, he must notify the Supplier by means of registered letter with return receipt to be sent to Via Manzoni, 42 - Mialno in advance by e-mail sent to , provided that such communication is confirmed by sending the aforementioned registered letter within the following 48 (forty-eight) hours. The stamp affixed by the post office on the receipt issued will be valid.

The return of the goods by the Buyer - under penalty of forfeiture - must take place at the latest within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of communication of the withdrawal. In any case, to be entitled to a full refund of the price paid, the goods must be returned intact, in its original packaging and without having been used by the Buyer.

For the purposes of exercising the right of withdrawal, pursuant to this article, the Buyer shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods to the Supplier.

The Supplier will refund the price paid by the Buyer after having received the goods subject to the withdrawal, without prejudice to the conditions of the goods, so that the Buyer can obtain the aforementioned refund.

With the receipt of the registered letter with which the Buyer communicates the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the Parties to this contract are released from their mutual obligations, without prejudice to the provisions of the previous points of this article.

Protection of confidentiality and processing of the Buyer's data

The Supplier protects the privacy of its customers and guarantees the compliance of the processing of personal data with respect to the provisions of the legislation on privacy pursuant to Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196.

The personal and fiscal data acquired by the Supplier, the data controller, are collected and processed in the forms and in the manner prescribed by the site's Privacy Policy.

Communications and complaints

Written communications directed to the Supplier and any complaints will be examined only if sent by e-mail to the following address . The Purchaser undertakes to indicate in the registration form on the website his residence or domicile, the telephone number and the e-mail address to which he wishes the communications of the Supplier to be sent.


These Conditions of Sale, Orders, Order Confirmations and Purchase Contracts are governed exclusively by Italian law.

For any dispute concerning or deriving from these Conditions of Sale and / or Orders and / or Order Confirmations and / or Purchase Contracts or from their execution, the territorial jurisdiction is exclusively the Court of Milan, Italy.

Modification and update

The General Conditions of Sale are amended from time to time also in consideration of any regulatory changes. The new General Conditions of Sale may be changed without notice and will be effective from the date of publication on


It is possible to receive assistance with the purchase by sending an e-mail to

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Terms of payment

- PayPal

- Credit / Debit Cards

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